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Storius Direct is a premier email edition of Storius—a leading online magazine about the art, craft, and business of storytelling. Featuring perspectives of professional and emerging authors, filmmakers, marketers, and other creators, Storius consistently delivers a rich mix of storytelling facts, news, and techniques to its readers from a network of 200+ contributors.

Storius Direct is our new email offering that gives its subscribers two benefits:

  • 2-4 selected articles delivered (full-text) directly to your inbox

  • Exclusive materials, not available in our regular online edition.

To get a better idea of what kind of materials you can expect when you subscribe visit our online edition at storiusmag.com.

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Thank you and we look forward to sharing our best stories with you!

—Storius Team

Subscribe to Storius Direct

Writing, filmmaking, publishing, marketing, branding, and other forms of storytelling. Best Storius articles delivered directly to your inbox.


Storius Direct is an email edition of Storius—a leading online magazine about the art, craft, and business of storytelling, with a network of 200+ contributors.